Health and safety is one of Vesuvius’ key strategic objectives, and our overriding commitment to health and safety is embedded throughout the organisation. Our approach is to identify, eliminate, reduce or control all workplace risks, and an ongoing system of training, assessment and improvement is in place to focus on achieving this. We remain fundamentally committed to protecting the health and safety of employees, contractors, visitors, customers and any other persons affected by our activities.
Safety is therefore our top priority. We want to become a zero-accident company and are striving to become a best-in-class organisation for safety performance and leadership.
Our principles
- Good health and safety is good business
- Safety is everybody’s responsibility
- Working safely is a condition of employment
- All work-related injuries and work-related ill health are preventable
Safety Performance in 2023
Our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 0.6 per million hours worked in 2023 was significantly lower than 2022 (1.08), but we recognisethat there is more work left to do. The LTIFR for not directly supervised contractors and visitors was 1.6 in 2023 (2022: 1.02), and this remains an area of focus for our efforts.
Fatalities and severe injuries
There were no work-related fatalities in 2023, but sadly one of our colleagues was killed in a road traffic accident whilst commuting. Vesuvius provided support to his family. During 2023, there were a number of severe injuries, including an external contractor who fell from a height resulting in leg and jaw fractures, two incidents involving finger amputations and two incidents involving a few days’ hospitalisation. We are actively taking steps to learn from these severe injuries and to improve our systems and procedures to prevent any similar occurrences.