Each Committee has written terms of reference, which are annually reviewed and updated where appropriate by the Board during the year.
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Vesuvius is a global leader in metal flow engineering, providing a full range of engineering services and solutions to its customers worldwide, principally serving the steel and foundry industries.
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Each Committee has written terms of reference, which are annually reviewed and updated where appropriate by the Board during the year.
The Audit Committee comprises all of the independent Non-Executive Directors. The Audit Committee is currently chaired by Robert MacLeod, a Chartered Accountant. The Corporate Governance Code requires that at least one member of the Audit Committee has recent and relevant financial experience.
The main purposes of the Committee are:
The Remuneration Committee comprises all of the independent Non-Executive Directors. The Remuneration Committee is currently chaired by Italia Boninelli.
The main purposes of the Committee are:
Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee:
The Nomination Committee comprises the Non-executive Chairman and the Non-Executive Directors. The Nomination Committee is currently chaired by Carl-Peter Forster.
The purpose of the Committee is to lead the process for Board appointments, ensure plans are in place for orderly succession to both the Board and Senior Management (being the Group Executive Committee) positions, and oversee the development of a diverse pipeline for succession. In particular, the Committee should ensure that the procedure for the selection of potential candidates for Board appointments - either as an Executive or Non-executive Director - is formal, rigorous and transparent and undertaken in a manner consistent with best practice. It should also ensure that appointments to the Board are made on merit, against objective criteria and with due regard for the benefits of diversity (of gender, social and ethnic backgrounds, and cognitive and personal strengths) on the Board.
Terms of Reference for the Nomination Committee:
The Finance Committee comprises the Chairman of the Company, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the Group Head of Corporate Finance.
The primary role and responsibility of the Committee is to approve specific funding and treasury related matters as set out in the Group’s delegated authorities or as delegated from time-to-time by the Board.
Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee:
The Share Scheme Committee comprises any two Directors, or any Director and the Company Secretary.
The primary role and responsibility of the Committee is to facilitate the administration of the Company's Share Schemes.
Terms of Reference for the Share Scheme Committee: