Cardboard raw material reuse by Digital Services in Mexico

Our Sensors & Probes technical sales team based with our customer AHMSA in Mexico has devised an innovative way to improve their operational efficiency by reducing their use of cardboard. The team have successfully trialled the reuse of Immersion Sampler Cardboard tubes by flipping them over and connecting them to a new Sampler Head. This is possible because samplers are only in the steel bath briefly and have no electronic connections.
According to “Recover USA” NGO studies, for every ton of cardboard that is recycled, we save about 17 trees, plus 1,500 litres of oil and other fossil fuels, 5,000 kilowatt-hours of energy, 25,000 litres of water and 1 metric tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2); which is the main cause of global warming.
Now that the initial trials have been successful, we are currently testing with a larger number of tubes (up to 1000), to identify the right appliable dimensions for the reused tubes and to determine the product versions that could work with reused tubes.