通过 Metallurgica 产品线, 维苏威提供结晶器保护渣和中包覆盖剂。
Metallurgica 可以提供粉末和颗粒状的保护渣/覆盖剂:
- 酸性覆盖剂( 例如:富含稻灰和粉煤灰的混合物)
- 碱性覆盖物(如氧化镁和活性渣)

- 采购最优质的原材料
- 全程质量控制
- 多年的生产工艺持续改进
- 最先进的生产装备
- 为世界几百位钢厂客户提供可靠的供货
- 根据客户要求进行包装
- 机器人技术可以自动布料
Discover who we are.
Vesuvius is a global leader in metal flow engineering, providing a full range of engineering services and solutions to its customers worldwide, principally serving the steel and foundry industries.
The main principle of Vesuvius' Investor Relations is to deliver timely, accurate and relevant information to Vesuvius' stakeholders.
Vesuvius has identified the practices within its operations that can directly or indirectly contribute to the United Nations Sustainability Goals (SDGs). We will focus our efforts on the following six SDGs where we believe we can make the most meaningful contribution.
The dedication and professionalism of our people is the most significant contributor to Vesuvius’ success.
Here you can read all our latest press releases, updates and event information.
通过 Metallurgica 产品线, 维苏威提供结晶器保护渣和中包覆盖剂。
Metallurgica 可以提供粉末和颗粒状的保护渣/覆盖剂: