Benefits of Vesuvius solutions
- Improved refractory lining performance
- Campaign extension
- Improved ladle availability
- Increased ladle volume/carry weights
- Improved fleet reliability
- Reduced net operating cost per ton of hot metal produced
Engineered materials
Working linings are designed to complement whether treatment is carried out (desulphurisation or not) by supplying from Mid to High-Alumina or Graphite High-Alumina bricks.
Working lining bricks:
- Resin Bonded Alumina Carbon products for Iron Ladle working linings
- Fired Andalusite products
Monolithic lining & maintenance materials
- Low cement shotcrete materials for working lining to pouring lip
- Fast application for larger repairs
- Low Cement pneumatically applied material
- Fast application for smaller repairs

Installation expertise
Maintenance can be carried out by shotcreting or dry gunning by our local Vesuvius installation team; or by using an accredited Vesuvius partner.
Installation equipment
Vesuvius has developed specialized installation equipment; designed to obtain the optimal installation efficiency and lining performance from our Monolithic Refractory solutions.