As a supplier of the most advanced refractories in the industry, Vesuvius is an excellent partner when selecting materials for melting and holding furnaces. The rigorous demands for high quality and exceptional value are at the core of our portfolio. Our full lining of brick, monolithics and precast shapes are sure to stand up to the demanding environments inside the furnace as well as promote your goals for improved productivity and sustainability. Our experts will help you not only analyze and select a package of materials that will improve functional performance but also help you achieve your goals for sustainability. Ask us how!
Industry Leader
The Vesuvius Engineering Service Team is an industry leader in engineering the utilization of large refractory shapes for aluminum melting and holding furnace systems. Vesuvius has the necessary design, engineering and manufacturing expertise to build Furnace block that will conform to any specific process desired. Any size, shape or configuration is possible.
Furnace Refractory
Vesuvius will design furnace linings to achieve the customer’s desired properties, whether this involves building a complete bill of materials that meets all of the customer's physical requirements or simply following their prescribed material specifications in a scope. To do so we will use our full portfolio including brick, mono, plastics and precast shapes to put forth the best offer for each customer:
- Upper & Lower Wall Blocks
- Hearth & Ramp Blocks
- Door Surround Blocks
- Tap-hole Blocks
- Roof Blocks
Precast refractory shapes for a furnace are a great way to optimize the physical properties of the refractory by casting in a highly controlled environment, firing under consistent conditions, high quality finished surfaces, and removing the physical water from the shape prior to installation. This technology is even more important when production downtime is critical to a customer. Use of big block in a furnace reline can drastically reduce furnace downtime and increase productivity due to rapid installation and dryout schedules

Key Benefits & Features
- 30-40% Less installation cost
- 50-60% Less dry out cost
- 40-60% Less rebuild time
- Furnace Evaluation, Engineering & Design
- Preparation of all drawings
- Project management
- Complete bill of material & material specification
- Installation using approved BIG BLOCK contractors
- Complete turnkey installation

Permatech has innovated the Roof Block furnace concept and the PERMATECH brand is still recognized today as the industry leader in the manufacture of large precast, pre fired roof block. The Vesuvius Engineering Services Team is an industry leader in engineering the utilization of Roof Block refractory shapes for aluminum melting and holding furnaces.

Key Benefits & Features
- Engineered and designed to unique customer specifications
- Vesuvius offers and recommends back up insulation precast
- Hanging systems available to ship with or pre-installed
- Engineering support available for troubleshooting installation


At Vesuvius, we understand that every furnace requirement is unique. Lintels and Jambs are designed to each customer's specifications taking into consideration installation requirements and operational expectation. These shapes are manufactured to be incredibly resistant, to live up to the operational wear and tear along with the difficult conditions they are exposed to.
Key Benefits & Features
- Tight tolerance
- High temperature insert
- Hanging fabrication pre-installed
- Longer life
Custom Engineered Tap Blocks from a variety of material compositions that rival the life performance of other available materials. Multi-piece Tap Blocks for fast replacement turnaround Fast delivery for custom prototype shapes Ceramic tap control plugs and cones.
Key Benefits & Features
- Available in any custom shape
- Manufactured for tight tolerances
- Tapping mechanism available to be designed and manufactured with refractory
- Pre fired to operational temperature


Vesuvius understands that it is important to be able to monitor temperature throughout the aluminium manufacturing process. Whether it is measuring melt temperatures or atmospheric conditions throughout the casthouse we have a proven solution.
Main Features
- Cast Iron Thermal Protection Tubes
- Custom assemblies •Type J, K, N •Lengths from 12"-108"
- Platinum Thermocouple Assemblies
Mineral (magnesium oxide) insulated thermocouples or MIT consist of an outer stainless steel sheath that protects the thermocouple elements from damage and contamination, this sheath is malleable so the thermocouples can be easily bent and shaped to suit your application.
Main Features
- Type K
- 1/8 or 1/4 dia; lengths from 12" to 144"
- Easy installation
- Superior mechanical strength
- Rapid response time
- Stable EMF reading
Standard Product Info
Type K
1/8” or 1/4” diameter; lengths from 12” to 144” (in 6” increments)

Cast iron protection tubes are rugged and durable yet economical for use in molten metal contact applications. These tubes are used to protect the MIT where it is necessary to measure melt temperatures in the furnace bed filtration or other areas of the process.