What is ANTERIS 360?
The manufacturing industry is an ever-changing, competitive field. It requires innovation, accuracy, and most importantly, safety. Meet ANTERIS 360 - the most advanced laser contouring system on the market for metallurgical applications.
Main benefits
Industrial furnaces present safety risks and require maintenance to optimize their availability and life. Thanks to ANTERIS 360, you can detect cracks, avoid premature shutdown, and extend refractory lifetime.
Fast, Accurate, Reliable Refractory Profiling

ANTERIS 360 is compatible with almost all types of vessels in a steel plant:
- Iron Ladle
- Steel Ladle
- Torpedo Ladle
It can be integrated with a furnace by a simple single-axis manipulator, which lowers long and short-term costs.
It combines high-speed, laser scanning technology with a robust mechanical platform and easy-to-use Hyperion* 3-D output software on an insertable platform. Using Vesuvius new 300 kHz Anteris 360 laser contouring system, millions of contour points comprise each measurement, providing incredibly detailed surface and feature resolution in a few seconds.
The Insertable Platform, the Ultimate Scanner
When measurements of a specific vessel require an insertable solution, Vesuvius' unique 360 degrees Anteris 360 laser contouring system offers dedicated, always-on measurement capability and the ability to measure the full vessel in a single scan! This proven, mill-ready system consists of the following components:
- Vesuvius ANTERIS 3-D laser scanner,
- A water-cooled housing with positive air pressure door to protect the scanner,
- Custom-designed robotic arm,
- Process Metrix electronic control unit,
- An inclinometer for measuring vessel tilt (BOF typical),
- A air-to-water heat exchanger for cooling/ heating the housing,
- A remote PC for system control, connected by either copper-, fiber-Ethernet

Measurements can be made manually, in semiautomatic, or fully automatic mode. Automation is implemented through a MODBUS/TCP or OPC UA interface, though Vesuvius will incorporate any interface protocol required. The interface includes provisions for automatic entry of critical information such as heat number, vessel number, campaign number, etc., ensuring that all pertinent measurement information is included in the data set. In fully automatic mode, Anteris 360 laser contouring system can be controlled by the customer’s automation system, completely removing the need for a local operator. Hyperion 3-D output also includes a complete campaign manager, a critical component for ladle applications.

Feature-Rich System
Vesuvius' fixed position laser system includes features that make the system safe, robust and user friendly. Our purpose built software automates data acquisition, making the system easy and straightforward to use. All software operations are highly intuitive, with icon definitions implemented pictorially and configuration functions password protected. The vessel profile is displayed automatically within three seconds after the scan is complete. An overlay function allows comparison of multiple measurements. Bath height, based on input values of charge weight and density, is also overlaid on each data view.

A high degree of output customization is available to tailor the view definitions to the needs and preferences of the customer. Two-dimensional radial slices, horizontal slices, wall and bottom contours (as shown on the right), and tabular output formats are standard. Zoomed views of problem areas can be pre-defined and automatically applied to every measurement. A wear rate calculator allows immediate assessment of historical lining thickness minimums, as well as identification of areas in the vessel that might need maintenance attention in the future. Or, data can be exported to comma separated value (csv files) tables in Excel for more customized analysis. Automatic data transfer to your refractory gunning robot is also supported. Our report generator automatically prints all of the views and screens to hardcopy, .pdf or .jpg formats.

Uncompromising Support
Vesuvius provides a preventive maintenance plan designed to keep your system operating at peak performance. Should a failure occur, a Vesuvius certified technician can always be reached around the clock through our dedicated service/support line. If on-site support is required, a Vesuvius certified technician can normally be on site within 48 hours. Remote support via VPN connection affords fast, seamless parameter changes, data review, and software upgrade from any remote location.

Anteris 360 specification

- 300,000 Hz laser rep rate, 120,000 Hz scan rate
- 3.6 mm diameter laser beam
- outstanding feature detection and description
- IR laser beam for minimum sensitivity to dust and smoke - 100% eye safe laser wavelength
- Vesuvius has 100% control of supply and service/support …plus its unique technical capabilities:
- Full Hemispherical scan (= planetarium view)
- Most compact scanner in the industry
- Shortest Total Scanning Time (vessel total loss of production availability < 1min)
A single scan captures 100% of the vessel interior in a 110°x360° window (3x the field of view compared with standard 110°x120° window)