Anteris LCS Laser Contouring System by Process Metrix rapidly calculates refractory lining thickness optimizing furnace refractory life, preventing breakouts and leakage.
The Anteris 360 laser contouring system combines high-speed, laser scanning technology with a robust mechanical platform and easy-to-use Hyperion* 3-D output software on an insertable platform. Using Process Metrix new 300 kHz Anteris 360 laser contouring system, millions of contour points comprise each measurement, providing incredibly detailed surface and feature resolution in a few seconds.
Anteris™ scanner designed and built for the Molten Metals Industry
Equipment specifications:
- 3.6mm diameter laser beam
- 110° x 360° scan range
- IR laser beam for minimum sensitivity to dust and smoke
- 100% eye-safe laser wavelength
- Can withstand temp > 3000F
- No need to cool the furnace
- Full vessel scan in < 30 seconds
- More Data
- Optimized furnace life
- Reline planning
- Avoid premature shutdown
- Thermal analysis / Crack detection
How does it work?
Scan 0 – set the base for a refractory lining profile
Scan 1 – Analyze the differences in refractory profile
Scan N – Data collected over “N” scans help predict life, plan reline